Elementary School provides extended learning programs for gifted
students. Services mandated by the State of Arizona include expanded
academic course offerings and differentiated instruction. Students
eligible for the gifted program must meet the State of Arizona’s
criteria as stated here:
“Students shall be served who score at or above the 97th
percentile on national norms in any one of three areas – verbal,
non-verbal, or quantitative reasoning – on any test from the state board
approved list.”
may be referred to the gifted program by performance on a standardized
achievement test, or referral by a teacher, parent or themselves. Parent
permission for qualification testing is required. Results of testing
are shared within 30 days of the test date. Upon request parents may
have test results explained in depth. The gifted program provides
enrichment through integrated curriculum, accelerated courses or
placement, and field trips. The differentiated instruction emphasizes
the development of higher order thinking skills.