Homeless Services
The Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Assistance Act protects the rights of all homeless/highly mobile students. The act defines homeless children as youth between the ages of 2 to18 years old who lack a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence and may:
- Live in a hotel or motel;
- Live in a shelter/transitional housing program;
- Sharing housing with another family due to loss of housing, stemming from financial hardship;
- Live a trailer park or campsite due to the lack of adequate living accommodations;
- Live in an abandoned building, parked car, or other facility not designed as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
- Lives as a youth on their own due to abandonment or runaway status
Students are identified by the District liaison or through referrals made by District employees, community members, city agency employees or self-referrals. The administrator of Social Services oversees the immediate enrollment of these students in school, works with identified school staff to provide assistance to meet their academic and nonacademic needs and ensure that barriers to education are eliminated.
Please contact Dr. Miller, CESD District Liaison, with any questions you may have at 928-427-9850
Please feel free to contact the CESD McKinney-Vento Program at 928-427-9850. Dr. Miller’s email address is [email protected]
CESD McKinney-Vento Residency Surveys: The McKinney-Vento Survey is part of the enrollment documents a parent completes at the Welcome Center. If your circumstances change during the school year and you think you may qualify for the Homeless/Highly Mobile Program, please fill out these surveys and return them to your school. The office manager at your school will be happy to connect you with the person on site who can assist you.
If you need further information, please visit: Search | Arizona Department of Education (azed.gov)
These websites have useful information for parents
National Center for Homeless Education
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth – National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (naehcy.org)